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100 Deadliest Days Of Summer Call For A Parent-Teen Driving Contract


Even though Bay Area residents enjoy temperate weather most of the year, longer days and school being on break clearly distinguish summer from other seasons. Unfortunately, this time of year – from Memorial Day to Labor Day – is also considered the 100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers. Whereas there are around 6 fatalities per day during the rest of the year, that number jumps to 7 per day in the summer. Plus, statistics reveal young drivers aged 16-17 years old are three times more likely than adults to be involved in a fatal crash.

As pandemic restrictions ease and more teens will be hitting the road, it is wise for families to sit down and establish some safety parameters through a Parent-Teen Driving Contract. At the same time, you can also review some of the primary risks that tend to increase the potential for Oakland auto accidents.

Danger Zones for Teen Motorists

There is the potential for a wreck any time someone gets behind the wheel of a car, but certain factors tend to have a disproportionate effect on young drivers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration refers to these issues as Danger Zones, so teens are more likely to be involved in a crash because of:

  • Lack of experience, especially with night driving, which can only be gained through practice;
  • Texting while driving, drunk driving, and failure to buckle up;
  • Riding with other teen passengers, who can create distractions in much the same way as a cell phone;
  • Driving while drowsy; and
  • Reckless driving, such as showboating, excessive speeding, and drag racing.

As you can see, many of these danger zones are within the control of the teen driver, so it is a conscious choice to be unsafe behind the wheel. Therefore, it is up to parents to ensure young motorists make wise, responsible decisions. 

Tips for Creating a Parent-Teen Driving Contract

One option to create structure with driving responsibilities is to work out an agreement that imposes duties on parents and children. The driving contract can be highly effective for enhancing safety because parents are also obligated, establishing a mutual relationship rather than setting rules. Some points to cover in your Parent-Teen Driving Contract might include:

  • Promises to follow the rules of the road, wear a seatbelt, and avoid speeding;
  • A pledge to not drink or use drugs before getting in the driver’s seat;
  • Restrictions on passengers and driving at night;
  • How the parties will contribute to insurance, gas, and other costs; and
  • A description of the punishment that a parent or teen should expect for violating the contract. 

It is also important to teach your teen to avoid getting into a car with anyone who is likely to violate these rules, and to intervene forcefully if any dangerous activities ever take place while they are in a vehicle. 

Discuss Your Legal Options with an Oakland Car Accident Attorney

Knowing the danger zones and creating a workable agreement will go a long way toward protecting your teen, but auto collisions are still a threat because of negligent drivers. To learn about your remedies and recovering compensation for your losses, please contact the Oakland car accident attorneys at Venardi Zurada, LLP to set up a no-cost case evaluation. We can meet with you to discuss details at our offices.



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