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Recently it seems as if many household products and foods that were once considered daily essentials are now being thrown out the window left and right as they are being tied to undesirable and potentially life-threatening health hazards. While some of these trends are more grounded in truth and scientific data than others, one such revelation that has certainly caught the attention of the Venardi Zurada Law firm are recent studies linking those exposed to glyphosate-based herbicides to an increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a particularly nasty form of cancer involving the overproduction of certain white blood cells “this is a simplified explanation of the disease and is not intended to be relied upon nor meant to diminish the seriousness of the disease”. A more commonly used product than its technical name may suggest, glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the United States and is sold under various brand names, such as the most prominent home care item known as Roundup.

In one particularly alarming study, researchers from UC Berkeley, the University of Washington and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York analyzed populations with the highest rates of exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides, in addition to conducting their own controlled studies, and discovered the relative risk of developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma increased by over 40% for those exposed to these harmful chemicals.

Supported by some of these recent discoveries, a handful of innocent victims affected by toxic products like Roundup have started to take a stand. On Wednesday, March 28th, 70-year-old Edwin Hardeman became the second individual in recent years to receive a successful jury verdict against Monsanto (the manufacturer of Roundup) for the harm the glyphosate-based product Roundup had caused him. The during the trial, which was conducted nearby in the United States District Court in San Francisco, Mr. Hardeman proved that his use of Roundup for over 26 years to control the weeds and poison oak on his property was a substantial factor in causing his cancer. By finding Monsanto responsible, the jury awarded Mr. Hardeman over $80 million in damages. This was the second successful case against Monsanto, following a similar California case decided last year.

We here at the Venardi Zurada Law Firm are appalled by the carelessness and disregard of companies like Monsanto, and while nothing can make up for the wrongs that many have suffered, we have already begun working with similarly harmed individuals to help them restore as much justice as we possibly can.

If you believe you have been harmed by glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup, let us fight for you too! Call us at 833-893-6763.

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