ATV Safety In Oakland: Tips To Avoid Accidents And Injuries

The Bay Area’s moderate climate and close proximity to numerous recreational facilities make the area ideal for riding all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), but some enthusiasts are not aware of the safety risks. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that it received more than 14,000 reports of fatalities from ATV accidents between 1982 and 2015, with major spikes during the last three years of this timeframe. Plus, 3,200 deaths – almost 25 percent of all fatalities – occurred in just five states; California ranks number two.
As with any physical activity, it is often possible to reduce the risk of ATV accidents by exercising a few safety tips and taking proper precautions. However, many riders might be unfamiliar with the basics or need a refresher course to avoid injuries. Always use common sense, follow state laws on off-road vehicles, and review some safety tips to avoid Oakland ATV accidents.
- Wear the right gear. It is critical to don a helmet when driving or riding an ATV, but you should also consider other equipment for protection. Goggles protect your eyes, which could prevent an accident related to visibility issues. If you are involved in a collision, boots, gloves, and clothing made of specialized fabrics can reduce the potential for serious injuries.
- Conduct an inspection before every ride. Have a look at your tires, paying close attention to wear and pressure. Review all controls to ensure wiring and other connections are intact. You should also check the chain, brakes, and sprockets to ensure all mechanisms are operating smoothly.
- Do not operate an ATV while impaired. The dangers of operating any motorized vehicle while drunk are well-known, but keep in mind that other factors could lead to impairment. Recreational drugs and prescription medications can also have an impact on your ability to drive the ATV safely.
- Only ride on designated trails. There are state laws, county regulations, and local rules that apply to ATVs, so you can best protect your safety by following them – not just to avoid a ticket. Many times, you might be forced to ride over a paved roadway, but only do so for crossing.
- Never take passengers on an ATV designed for one rider. This safety rule is especially important for three-wheelers, which are never designed for passengers. However, many four-wheeled off-road vehicles that look like they could accommodate two people are dangerous.
- Avoid riding alone. Whenever possible, make your rides a group effort with multiple ATVs. You have a support system if you are hurt in an accident, and – as a bonus – the experience is a lot more fun.
Our Oakland ATV Accident Attorneys Support Injured Victims
While these safety tips are effective in preventing injuries, you cannot always avoid an ATV accident that results from someone else’s negligence. You may have legal remedies if you were hurt, so please contact Venardi Zurada, LLP to speak with a skilled Oakland ATV accident lawyer. We can set up a complimentary consultation at our offices. After we review the specifics of your case, we can get started with the legal process.