Birth Injuries Caused By OB-GYN “Never Events”

Parents-to-be have numerous concerns about raising their child while they anxiously await the baby’s birth, but one thing you should never have to worry about is mistakes by your California OB-GYN. These errors can cause serious harm to mother and fetus, and the most outrageous are classified as “never events.” As defined by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), these are mistakes that are identifiable, preventable, and either lead to death or serious birth injuries.
Never events are extreme errors by health care providers, but they are covered by California medical malpractice laws. Parents have legal remedies after a tragic medical mistake, and an Oakland birth injury lawyer can explain how the laws work. However, it is also useful to know the top errors by OB-GYNs and the compensation you can recover in a med mal claim.
Negligent Prenatal Care
Pregnancy is a critical time in the development of the fetus, so physicians have a duty to ensure proper care during gestation. When the mother has an underlying medical condition that is caused by or exacerbated by pregnancy, health care providers must be diligent with monitoring and assessing the risks. Doctors should order proper screenings and take proper action regarding such prenatal conditions as:
- Gestational diabetes;
- Preeclampsia;
- Renal disease; and,
- Autoimmune disorders.
Negligence During Delivery
When the mother is experiencing difficulties during labor, an OB-GYN may rely on forceps or a vacuum extractor to assist the infant down the birth canal. If the doctor applies too much pressure in using these instruments or mishandles the baby, there can be serious injuries. Another issue that arises in a difficult delivery is making the call for a C-section, since delays may be deadly.
Care Failures After Birth
There can be problems with medical errors at any stage of pregnancy and delivery, but the risks continue after the baby is born. Health care providers may mishandle the baby or not properly support the infant’s head. Plus, mediation mistakes are common when physicians prescribe doses based upon the weight of such a tiny human.
Compensation in Birth Injuries Cases
The medical implications and long-term consequences vary according to the nature of the OB-GYN error and severity of the harm. The costs of raising a child with a disability can skyrocket, and the emotional implications are devastating for the entire family. Through a birth injuries claim, it is possible to recover monetary damages for your losses, such as:
- Medical costs for treatment and ongoing care;
- Lost wages for parents who miss work to care for their child;
- Pain and suffering; and,
- Diminished quality of life.
Discuss Remedies with an Oakland Birth Injuries Attorney
If you or your child was affected by an OB-GYN error, it is critical to retain legal representation right away. Our team at Venardi Zurada, LLP will assist with the legal process to ensure you receive fair compensation for your horrific losses. Please contact our offices in Oakland or Walnut Creek, CA to set up a free consultation. Once we review your situation, we can explain what to expect with a birth injuries claim.